College undergoes change in presidential leadership

Jillian Beaster ’28 | | News EditorCaleb Pope ‘27 | | Staff Writer An unexpected email was sent on December 10, 2024, informing staff, students, and faculty of an immediate change in college leadership. Board of Trustees Chairman Bill Lowry announced the transition from former President Jill Baren to Interim President Robert Krebs. Krebs has served on the Board of Trustees since 1990 and has been elected Chairman twice. During his time in…

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Leading the Way with Lollipops

Leading the Way with Lollipops

Have you ever stopped to think about the impact you are making on other people’s lives? You should. We talk about leadership as something to learn and aspire to during our time here at Lake Forest College, and yet we fail to realize that we are already leaders, even in the smallest of ways. Leadership by definition is “the position or function of a leader, a person who guides or directs a group; the ability…

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