Freedom Fighter Fuels Resistance

Freedom Fighter Fuels Resistance

By Jenn Arias ’23  Staff Writer On February 22, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin sent military troops into Ukraine to invade, bomb, and capture the country by any means necessary. In what is quickly becoming a third World War, Ukrainian citizens are abandoning their homes and fleeing to surrounding Eastern European countries out of fear for their lives. After almost a month of violence, Russia is still raining down bombs on populated cities and…

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Book Bans: What Are They Truly Banning?

Book Bans: What Are They Truly Banning?

By Jenn Arias ’23  Staff Writer The First Amendment is one of the most questioned and misunderstood of all the Bill of Rights. Our freedom of speech has been questioned, our freedom of religion attacked, and now they are coming after our books. Book banning can be traced all the way back to 212 B.C., when “Chinese Emperor Shih Huang Ti is said to have buried alive 460 Confucian scholars to control the writing…

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National Parks Are Facing Overpopulation

National Parks Are Facing Overpopulation

By Lia Fiffles ’24 Opinion Editor Alongside the COVID-19 restrictions that the year 2020 brought came the increase in visits to national parks. With little to do during the first summer of quarantine, individuals and their friends and family resorted to fulfilling their summer plans by joining the rest of the eager individuals taking over these tourist attractions. Since then, national parks have seen a linear increase in visits. Although this may come off…

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Global Warming On the Rise

Global Warming On the Rise

By Lia Fiffles Opinion Editor The world is getting warmer, there is no doubt about that, and it’s obvious that we are starting to pay the price for it. Natural disasters have been around for as long as we can remember, but lately it feels as if we are surrounded by them. Hurricanes, tornadoes, and wildfires; all of these have been making their mark on the world as they become more frequent and destructive….

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Climate Change: Who’s to Blame?

Climate Change: Who’s to Blame?

By: Lia Fiffles ’24 Opinion Editor Time has allowed us to slowly become aware of the crisis that is claiming our planet: global warming. As of recently, the issue has continuously gained more attention as we see the threats that have been posed, such as natural disasters and the rise in heat. These threats have resulted in an encouragement for everyone to restrict any action that contributes to emitting waste and carbon emissions. This…

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Are Third Parties Going to be a Viable Option in Upcoming Elections?

Isabel Hinojosa ’25 Staff Writer  Photo courtesy of Clay Banks via Unsplash Historically, third parties have not been a viable option in American politics. With our rapidly changing political landscape, will we have more than two options? Democrats and Republicans have been the two main parties since the 1860s. It is a commonly known phrase in politics that “voting for a third party is a waste of your voice.” The last time a third…

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