Is Your College Degree Worth Your Time and Money?

Is Your College Degree Worth Your Time and Money?

Our graduation requirements include two courses from each of the following academic fields: humanities, social sciences, natural and mathematical sciences, and cultural diversity, but are all of these requirements really worth our time? As a first-year student, I am often bombarded with questions about my future, and I tend to question if college is worth all the time and the money. I usually shut my thoughts up with a simple response: yes. Being a Forester is worth…

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Letters to the Editor March 3, 2015

Letters to the Editor March 3, 2015

Dear Editor, On behalf of the student athletes on campus, we would like to voice our disappointment with the recent articles regarding athletic involvement in sexual misconduct and the athletic department budget. We believe these articles unfairly judge student athletes’ character and their value to the College. We believe that student athletes bring significant contributions to the College in the form of community service, advocacy, Forester spirit, and support for various organizations across campus. Student…

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Letters to the Editor February 10, 2015

Letters to the Editor February 10, 2015

Dear Editor, I read the article written by Zoe Maurer on the sexual misconduct training in the November 25th edition of the Stentor. I am happy that an article was written, but disappointed that I was not contacted to discuss the training and why it was implemented. I noted that large chunks of the email I wrote to the student body were included, but I do not think that cutting and pasting my email constitutes…

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How Should We Understand American Sniper?

How Should We Understand American Sniper?

  American Sniper is another addition to a long line of films made by Clint Eastwood that paints a very concrete, black and white world. His good versus bad tale about Navy SEAL sharpshooter Chris Kyle is ahead of the box office for a third straight week, giving the film a total box office revenue of $249 million. The film has also racked up six Oscar nominations. A large portion of the film’s success is…

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Is it Easier to Hook Up on Tinder but Harder to Find a Relationship?

Is it Easier to Hook Up on Tinder but Harder to Find a Relationship?

The App Store describes Tinder as a “fun way to connect with new and interesting people around you” and “a new way to express yourself and share with friends,” but is this innovative way of meeting new people affecting students’ ability to interact with one another? Social media is becoming the way many people interact with each other, especially younger generations, and so with this idea in mind, I set out to ask students who…

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