College Relationships: Are They Worth Our Time?

College Relationships: Are They Worth Our Time?

As a Mexican young woman, I am often asked whether or not I have a boyfriend. To give you a little background on my culture, although it has evolved, women are still expected to be married in their early twenties and, being nineteen, the pressure to be in a relationship is on. I have had many conversations on this topic with friends and family. As Bushra Shams ’17 says, “Us ambitious [students], we are very…

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Gluten-Free? Are You Kidding Me?

Gluten-Free? Are You Kidding Me?

It has come to my attention that some people on campus believe in a gluten-free diet, and the Lake Forest College Caf is even trying to make accommodations for this diet. However, the gluten-free diet is a huge fad that has swept over the nation, and the thing about fads is that no one really does any legitimate research on them. Xander O’Grady ’17 commented, “I do not really know what gluten is, but we…

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Leading the Way with Lollipops

Leading the Way with Lollipops

Have you ever stopped to think about the impact you are making on other people’s lives? You should. We talk about leadership as something to learn and aspire to during our time here at Lake Forest College, and yet we fail to realize that we are already leaders, even in the smallest of ways. Leadership by definition is “the position or function of a leader, a person who guides or directs a group; the ability…

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Lake Forest Strives to be Clean in a Filthy World

Lake Forest Strives to be Clean in a Filthy World

The removal of hand towels in high-traffic bathrooms is just a small adjustment in Lake Forest College’s efforts to go green. However, many students are arguing that the College has a long way to go. Green groups on campus, such as the League for Environmental Awareness and Protection (LEAP), the Campus Sustainability Committee (CSC), and The Nature Appreciation and Wilderness Survival Club (NAWS) are in the background on campus, and many students are actually unaware…

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The World is Not Your Oyster: Why Color Runs Have No Place at Lake Forest College

The World is Not Your Oyster: Why Color Runs Have No Place at Lake Forest College

On April 14, the Department of Athletics sponsored the annual Ry’s Run, a 5K held in honor of Ry McCarthy ’10, a goalie on the women’s hockey team who lost her battle with cancer in 2009. While the goal of the event is admirable— to raise money for the American Cancer Society—the fact that it involves the appropriation of Hindu culture is deplorable. The situation is this: approximately 92.5 percent (49 of 53) of athletic…

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