What do we think of the social media trend where we post pics of our food online?

What do we think of the social media trend where we post pics of our food online?

In 1825, Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, a French philosopher and gourmand, said, “Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are.” In a way, we are defined by our eating habits and the choices we make in terms of food. However, I believe a human is more than his or her eating decisions. Today we live in a world where we are used to sharing everything on social networks, and food is…

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He Says, She Says: Batman vs. Superman

He Says, She Says: Batman vs. Superman

Since the beginning of our relationship, we have been on opposite sides of the fence over an important issue. Sure, people joke about it and make light of it, but what keeps us up at night is the critical question of who is better… Batman or Superman?  In honor of the movie, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, that was released on March 25, we decided to acknowledge the elephant in the room for the…

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Technology, Good or Bad?

Technology, Good or Bad?

I believe that the increase of technology within schools is negatively affecting the quality of learning. Computers are taking over our classrooms, and the process is slowly jeopardizing our children’s futures. Most of us can agree that, in school, the purpose of technological implementation should be to improve teaching and student learning. Technology is evolving at an astounding rate, and it has revolutionized the way we get our news, how we order goods and services,…

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In a Perfect World, We Wouldn’t Have Cars

In a Perfect World, We Wouldn’t Have Cars

I strongly believe in the benefit of public transport for everyone and I also believe people should walk more and drive less, both due to personal health and environmental reasons. I am in no position to give advice, make judgments or attempt to change anyone’s view on life, but I think students should really think twice before getting in a car just to drive from the library to South or from North to the Walgreens in Lake…

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Access #TheWoodLounge

Access #TheWoodLounge

Calvin Durand Hall, affectionately known as the Wood Lounge, is one of the most visually arresting spaces on the Lake Forest College campus. Built by famed architect Howard Van Doren Shaw in 1907-8 and modeled on the dining hall at Trinity College, Cambridge, its soaring wooden beams, walls of leaded glass windows, and dark paneled wainscot punctuated by uted pilasters exemplify a handsome and re ned Collegiate Gothic aesthetic. The Wood Lounge is one of the…

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To Raise Or Not To Raise: That Is The Question

To Raise Or Not To Raise: That Is The Question

YES 1. If the United States or even a single state were to raise the minimum wage, our country would bene t today. This is because, currently, we have zero in ation, which means our money is worth more. So if workers get paid more, they will have more money to buy things— their purchasing power would increase. Families would gain both nancial security and an increased ability to purchase goods and services, consequently creating…

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