A Break from the Politics

A Break from the Politics

Our campus and our country face some of the greatest political divides they have seen in many years. We stand at each other’s throats on every issue. Conservatives think liberals are too soft, liberals think conservatives are insensitive, and those down the middle are seen as belittlers of the issues at hand. Every article, every story, and every social media post stands to inspire controversy and to push the other side’s buttons. This newspaper in…

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We Live in a Liberal Arts Bubble

We Live in a Liberal Arts Bubble

Liberal arts college campuses across the nation, and our campus in particular, are surrounded by a “bubble” that shields the majority of students from the real world. Are we legitimately having the debate on whether it is okay to hang up a flag in support of  the President of the United States of America? There is a systemic problem with our campus if we are debating whether or not it is okay to have a…

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Flag on the Play

Flag on the Play

After an article published in the last issue of the Stentor surrounding the Trump flag placed in one student’s dorm window, the discussion regarding this display of free speech has heated up. The article has been spread widely through social media, and the site Hypelinenews.com picked it up as well. Students have been discussing whether or not they believe the flag has any place on campus, as well as the marginalization it has caused to…

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You use this product every day, and it’s killing the planet

You use this product every day, and it’s killing the planet

It’s in your shampoo, ice cream, and laundry detergent. And it’s killing our planet. I’m talking about palm oil, a vegetable oil that comes from the oil palm tree. The oil palm tree grows in tropical rainforests where rich biodiversity has flourished for millennia. But with the heightening production level of palm oil, these ecosystems are being rapidly destroyed, taking the health of our planet with them. Palm oil is primarily grown in Indonesia and…

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Everyone Needs to Chill

Everyone Needs to Chill

In the aftermath of the recent presidential election and the implications that may accompany it, people (mostly millennials) are becoming very sensitive. Here at Lake Forest, the election results spurred professors to cancel class, caused group mourning sessions, and made the campus one big safe space. Even the utterance of the president elect’s name created tension. Not only are all of these actions and instances completely ridiculous, they don’t serve anyone well. I find it…

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We’re Doomed 2016

We’re Doomed 2016

This may be one of the most groundbreaking political events since the birth of the United States. Regardless of your candidate of choice, this country will be in for a rough couple of years, and we, as college students, are along for the ride. Unfortunately, this horrific election is taking place right now, and it is hard to ignore the unforeseen consequences of either candidate’s victory. I’ll take you through a few situations that can…

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