Virtual Entertainment During Quarantine

Are you bored in quarantine? Have you already watched all of the episodes of Tiger King on Netflix? No problem! The Stentor has compiled a list of virtual activities and experiences to keep you entertained during your time inside.
1. Check out all that Google has to offer
Google offers 1,546 “Experiments,” projects described as “push[ing] the boundaries of art, technology, design, and culture.” Use the “From a Picture to a Thousand Stories” tool to find a new book to read. Simply select a picture to get book recommendations. Created by artist Gael Hugo, machine learning is used to connect images from Google Arts & Culture with content from Google Books.
Are you longing for the great outdoors while stuck inside? Explore unseen corners of the National Parks directly from your couch using “The Hidden Worlds of the National Parks” feature on Google Arts and Culture. National Park Rangers take you on tours of Kenai Fords National Park in Alaska, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park in Hawaii, Carlsbad Caverns National Park in New Mexico, Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah, and Dry Tortugas National Park in Florida.
2. Take a virtual museum tour
The Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian offers a virtual experience entitled “Americans” that explores a variety of topics, including The Invention of Thanksgiving, Pochahontas, the Trail of Tears and the Indian Removal Act, and the Battle of Little Bighorn.
Or, take a virtual tour of all three floors of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, featuring the Hall of Fossils and a special Egypt exhibit.
3. Watch animals via live webcams
Suggestions include Monterey Bay Aquarium’s relaxing Moon Jelly Cam and the Giant Panda Cam at the Smithsonian National Zoo