Trump For President? Maybe Not…

Fast forward to January 20th, 2017. It is a sad, cold day for the United States of America as Donald Trump will be taking the presidency for the next four years.

Let’s pretend that this catastrophic event really occurred. I asked various people to complete the following sentence: “if Donald Trump became president…” I have not altered any of the responses to fit my personal opinion, although I am sure that by now you know that I strongly believe Donald Trump would ruin the United States and the principles it stands for.

The United States of America was created from immigrants who wanted to flee from oppression in their home country. Donald Trump plans to kick everyone out of the country.

I asked various people to complete the following sentence: “if Donald Trump became president…”

According to Nouha Ezouhri ’19, if Donald Trump became president “white people would live so peacefully…but only them.” His plan is to emphasize a negative atmosphere in which white supremacy exists.Norma Vargas ’18 went so far as to say that “he would create concentration camps” to segregate everyone. Not only would he create concentration

Norma Vargas ’18 went so far as to say that “he would create concentration camps” to segregate everyone. Not only would he create concentration camps, “the country’s political system would be seen as a joke” (Cesar Cardenas ’17) because his plans seem unrealistic and unattainable as far as kicking immigrants out of the country goes.

Daniela Garcia ’17 said his unrealistic plans would “[make] the United States…go in debt. Even more than we already are. [His presidency] would cost us more money because he would either try to kick out the people who “don’t belong here” or he would try to build a bigger wall. That in itself would cost us billions of dollars.”Donald Trump’s ideas about immigrants seem completely out of line since his own wife was an

Donald Trump’s ideas about immigrants seem completely out of line since his own wife was an illegal immigrant until she became a naturalized citizen. His presidency would be a step back from the ideals that the United States was created in.When asked what would happen if Donald Trump became president, Professor Sadri said, “I would find out how patient I can be.” His presidency would create many more issues than the ones that already exist, creating a segregated and hateful society. He would eliminate the cultural richness and diversity that exists in American society.

When asked what would happen if Donald Trump became president, Professor Sadri said, “I would find out how patient I can be.” His presidency would create many more issues than the ones that already exist, creating a segregated and hateful society. He would eliminate the cultural richness and diversity that exists in American society. My advice to all of the Lake Forest College students is not who to vote for, but to be a conscious,

My advice to all of the Lake Forest College students is not who to vote for, but to be a conscious, well-informed, politically aware citizen and vote for the person that will help the country move two steps forward, not two steps back

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