Letters to the Editor February 10, 2015

Letters to the Editor February 10, 2015

Dear Editor, I read the article written by Zoe Maurer on the sexual misconduct training in the November 25th edition of the Stentor. I am happy that an article was written, but disappointed that I was not contacted to discuss the training and why it was implemented. I noted that large chunks of the email I wrote to the student body were included, but I do not think that cutting and pasting my email constitutes…

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Attention Brought to Sexual Misconduct on Campus

Attention Brought to Sexual Misconduct on Campus

Lake Forest College’s Director of Health and Wellness, Dr. Jennifer Fast, has required all students and faculty to complete a sexual misconduct online training by Everfi, whose mission is to help students and faculty acknowledge critical life issues such as alcohol abuse and sexual assault prevention. Ninety-seven percent of the college completed this training. Dr. Fast said the survey “indicated that students and faculty think the college is responsive in addressing rape culture and language.”…

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