College Relationships: Are They Worth Our Time?

College Relationships: Are They Worth Our Time?

As a Mexican young woman, I am often asked whether or not I have a boyfriend. To give you a little background on my culture, although it has evolved, women are still expected to be married in their early twenties and, being nineteen, the pressure to be in a relationship is on. I have had many conversations on this topic with friends and family. As Bushra Shams ’17 says, “Us ambitious [students], we are very…

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How Not to Be a Boring Valentine’s Day Date

How Not to Be a Boring Valentine’s Day Date

It’s that lovely time of year, and Lake Forest College has you covered in terms of where, how, and with whom to spend your Valentine’s Day. To start the day off for all you lovebirds, explore Chicago’s must-see sites with free admission using your Lake Forest College Student ID. Students are able to visit The Art Institute of Chicago and view famous artworks of different eras, or visit the Shedd Aquarium and explore the waters…

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Is it Easier to Hook Up on Tinder but Harder to Find a Relationship?

Is it Easier to Hook Up on Tinder but Harder to Find a Relationship?

The App Store describes Tinder as a “fun way to connect with new and interesting people around you” and “a new way to express yourself and share with friends,” but is this innovative way of meeting new people affecting students’ ability to interact with one another? Social media is becoming the way many people interact with each other, especially younger generations, and so with this idea in mind, I set out to ask students who…

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