By CYDNEY SALVADOR‘18 FEATURES EDITOR Politics Club, recently officiated by the Gates Center, began one afternoon as Evan Weller ’21, Nick Wheeler ’21, and Alyson Kearschner ’21 discussed their differing views on recent political events. After their discussion, the group brainstormed a club that would facilitate conversations on a tense and troubled campus. The club’s executive board and adviser, Uihlein Assistant Professor of American Politics Evan Oxman, agree on one thing. “Our biggest goal is…

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How to Get Through the Political Part of the Holidays

How to Get Through the Political Part of the Holidays

The holidays are regarded as the most wonderful time of the year. If you haven’t noticed, this year has been absolute shit, so the holidays coming up are also going to be bad. Why is that? Well, let me give you a simple math problem to solve: (The political atmosphere surrounding a reunion with your extended family) + (Donald Trump winning the election) = ___________________________ Now, before you freak out, take a few deep breaths…

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The Candidates: Pros and Cons

The Candidates: Pros and Cons

Election day is upon us! Before you race on over to the polls to conduct the most heart-wrenching and futile vote of your life, it’s important that you weigh the pros and cons of each candidate. Lucky for you, I’m here to share all the juicy factoids that could help you change your support from the worst candidate to the slightly less terrible one! Let’s go!   Donald Trump Pro: His tiny hands make it…

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Everyday Is A Debate: Facebook Profiles of Candidate Supporters

Everyday Is A Debate: Facebook Profiles of Candidate Supporters

’Tis that joyous time of year when you learn via Facebook that your cousin’s ex-boyfriend is super politically engaged, and by super politically engaged we mean well-informed in click-bait articles and politically incorrect memes. The best part about Facebook profiles is that you know immediately whom that person is voting for based on a few key components. This means that you can automatically judge that person to the proper degree based on a quick glance…

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Third Party Candidates Lead Polls With Stoners, the Uninformed, and Own Families

Third Party Candidates Lead Polls With Stoners, the Uninformed, and Own Families

As the votes pour in and the final polls get counted, they show a sharp increase in support for third-party candidates like Gary Johnson and Jill Stein.   Dr. Jill Stein has carried the stoners for most of the election, most likely because they thought the Green Party had more to do with weed than it actually does. Recent polls, however, have shown that more and more stoners are switching over to the Libertarian Party…

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