Everyone Needs to Chill

Everyone Needs to Chill

In the aftermath of the recent presidential election and the implications that may accompany it, people (mostly millennials) are becoming very sensitive. Here at Lake Forest, the election results spurred professors to cancel class, caused group mourning sessions, and made the campus one big safe space. Even the utterance of the president elect’s name created tension. Not only are all of these actions and instances completely ridiculous, they don’t serve anyone well. I find it…

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The Entertainment of the Presidential Debates

The Entertainment of the Presidential Debates

Now more than ever, we’re fed up with politics. This is probably why the most entertaining topics this month dealt with the presidential debate. I thought two things when I watched the first presidential debate in October: “this is hilarious” and “what is happening to our country?” I watched the first presidential debate in the lounge of Harlan with a handful of people. Instead of watching two potential leaders of our country tell us what…

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Get Off Your Phone and Read This Article

Get Off Your Phone and Read This Article

Gone are the days of decent, genuine human interaction, and you can thank the device in your pocket right now. More and more people, especially the millennials and the generations to follow, are becoming more dependent on technology, specifically their smartphone. Although advancements in technology have a huge benefit in the medical, finance, e-commerce, and defense sectors, the other stuff (your new iPhone) is creating a significant impact on social skills, reading ability, and emotional…

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Why I’m So Not Over Feminists

Why I’m So Not Over Feminists

This past summer, “The Odyssey Online” published an article titled, “I Am A Female And I Am So Over Feminists.” It has been shared nearly 200,000 times. The popularity of this article should not be taken lightly. Author Gina Davis claims that women in the U.S. are doing just fine. She called the idea that society is unfair to women “a load of bull” and wrote, “Relax, feminists. We’re OK.” With all due respect to…

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New Year Offers Same Disappointments at the Caf

New Year Offers Same Disappointments at the Caf

It’s hard to deny the jarring inadequacy of our campus cafeteria. From a lack of options, to a lack of clean cutlery, to a lack of sustainable solutions for dealing with food waste, Aramark dining services have some serious needs for improvement. Toward the end of last spring semester and throughout the entire summer, cafeteria food was disappointing. The problem wasn’t finding obscure items in the food, but rather the lack of choices and the…

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The Media’s Impact on Men

The Media’s Impact on Men

Every day we are bombarded by the media with the latest fashion, diet, and exercise trends. While they may seem like diverse topics, they are all united by one common theme: body image. Whether that includes how to dress, what to eat, or how to work out the most efficiently, they all are focused on how to look good. The usual target audience for this type of marketing is women. Some might wonder, however, what…

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