I ate P.O.D. sushi for a month…kinda

I ate P.O.D. sushi for a month…kinda

by KELLEN LIEB ’20 STAFF WRITER I have done it! I have completed a challenge I thought impossible. I ate only POD sushi for a whole month. And I only cried every day. It should be noted that I am not a doctor nor did I consult any medical experts during this endeavor. Having no medical records, all I can tell you are my feelings. One word: Terrible. Also, I think my sodium intake shot…

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I Switched Places with a Freshman for a Day

I Switched Places with a Freshman for a Day

By KELLEN LIEB’20 STAFF WRITER I, with all my courage and gusto, with pen in hand and mind a flurry, have braved to turn back the clock and relive one of the most harrowing events in all of our lives…freshman year. I spent weeks preparing. Studying the lives of freshman, their mannerism and movements. Trying to understand who they were. What made them act the way they do? And why, in god’s name, did I…

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Third Party Candidates Lead Polls With Stoners, the Uninformed, and Own Families

Third Party Candidates Lead Polls With Stoners, the Uninformed, and Own Families

As the votes pour in and the final polls get counted, they show a sharp increase in support for third-party candidates like Gary Johnson and Jill Stein.   Dr. Jill Stein has carried the stoners for most of the election, most likely because they thought the Green Party had more to do with weed than it actually does. Recent polls, however, have shown that more and more stoners are switching over to the Libertarian Party…

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Appropriation of Ghost Culture Continues This Halloween

Appropriation of Ghost Culture Continues This Halloween

It’s 2016, and America is the most progressive society that will ever exist. We have already solved many of the world’s problems, but there is one recurring issue that rears its head every October. I’m talking about the cultural appropriation of ghosts. Every year we dress up as ghosts and adorn our houses with their images, without thinking once about the struggle ghosts go through. Ghosts have a rich culture stretching all the way back…

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Roommate Tension Begins to Rival the Cold War

Roommate Tension Begins to Rival the Cold War

Tensions reached near-nuclear levels early on this year as two freshman girls have a stand-off inside their dorm room. Sara Klaus ’20 and her roommate, Maddie McMaderson ’20, are for the first time in their lives sharing a room with someone else. The clash between these two originated in a clash of ideology. Sara is clean and neat, while Maddie lives in what this reporter can only describe as a pig sty that’s been abandoned…

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