Dean Flot Doesn’t want you to dress like Pocahontas

Dean Flot Doesn’t want you to dress like Pocahontas

Dean of Students Affairs Robert Flot sent an email to students regarding a “Pocahontas and John Smith” themed party that took place off campus shortly before Thanksgiving break, leaving the issue of cultural appropriation in the thoughts of many students. “The actions were culturally insensitive, at best, in donning Native American costumes,” Flot said in the November 21 email. Photos of the party posted on social media sites featured Lake Forest College students wearing “headdresses…

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Is this offensive? “Maybe so”

Is this offensive? “Maybe so”

We all got that email from Dean Flot a few weeks ago. Some people are taking serious issue with the “Pocahontas and John Smith” party held on campus, and I am too. Can you believe the nerve of some people? The outright DISRESPECT of some people? They didn’t even invite me!!!!! What the hell???? I’m cool, I’m fun, I’m willing to perpetuate hurtful stereotypes until I throw up! I am trying to approach this from…

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