Internet Hacks Every Forester Should Know About
When dealing with college, there are few tricks that we use to make our life a little easier. Call it having an agenda, programming reminders for events on campus, or creating a Google Calendar, you name it. The tricks are various, yet there are two internet hacks that you should know about. Who knows? Maybe they’ll make your life easier through college. Give them a look.
The Morning Brew and The Skimm These are two email-based subscription services that do somewhat of the same thing. A weekly email with summarized global news is very convenient for millennials. As you know, millennials like us don’t like to read lengthy articles about things that could have been summed up in a paragraph or two.
The Skimm and Morning Brew differ slightly in what they report on and their overall quality. The Skimm is more focused on global news and some pop culture mixed in. It has links to everything you might not be completely up-to-date on. It has business definitions and it includes follow-up options on certain stories. The Skimm offers more options for you to share your story through a platform specially designed for social networking.
Since they are a relatively new service, the platform allows college students to taste the waters of their knowledge and dip into stories more easily that sources like BBC or CNN could offer. You can find it online at, just introduce your email, and that’s it.
However, if pop culture or informal tone is not your cup of tea, Morning Brew is an excellent source to find more business-oriented news stories. It provides a daily follow-up on the stock market while offering explanations about the ups and downs. It also offers diverse in-depth analysis on particular companies and updates on their whereabouts.
If you are a business, economics, finance major, or are simply interested in the money movement, you can click the option of “interview,” which will test you on the definition of certain concepts or follow-up of certain companies. It also have cool and interesting facts about some companies. Did you know that Volkswagen owns Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini, Audi, Ducati, and Porsche?
Clay Dreier ‘18, an avid Morning Brew reader, said: “I always like to wake up to my Morning Brew.”
Khan Academy Have you ever felt like you don’t understand everything in class or you cannot understand your professor when he or she talks about certain subjects? Khan Academy can help you out a lot in this!
Khan Academy is a non-profit organization that believes anyone should be able to learn, anytime. It is a website-based company that has lessons on everything from basic elementary math to college-level web programming. It uses different technologies, which includes video lessons and interactive content, to take you through lessons and test you in order to find out where the gaps in your learning might be.
It has practice problems and different tests. If English is not your first language, that’s not a problem; many lessons are being translated as you read this. You can find out more at their official website
“When I click on the video and the screen lights up after buffering, I am filled with a warm sense of joy at seeing people like me helping me understand topics that I struggle with. When I see their Khan faces light up, it lights up this Khan face,” Adam Khan ’18 said when asked about his favorite part of the learning site.