Batman v Superman: Spoilers

While the film was jam-packed with special effects, Hollywood darlings, and two of the biggest names in comic book history, I left the theater feeling underwhelmed and disappointed. Full of clichés and anti-climactic filler, I found myself yawning about halfway through and wondering how much more I had to endure.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was not made for comic book fans. It was not a film made for critics. It was made for mainstream audiences who love a good fight interrupted by a little romance. Do not get me wrong, it wasn’t all bad…at least, it wasn’t all bad if you are a fan of three fake-out endings, numerous subplots, pee in a cup (or rather mason jar), and CGI bad enough to be likened to The Matrix. The good guys fight the villains, ultimately defeat them, and then, of course, get the girl. What the superhero genre lacks in originality it attempts to make up for in special effects.


The film opens with one of several dream sequences. Bruce Wayne relives the night of his parents’ murder. At their funeral, he falls down a hole where bats swirl around him and lift him out of the hole. Next, we witness the destruction of Metropolis via Superman and General Zod from Man of Steel. One of the industrial causalities is one of Wayne’s buildings, which sparks Wayne’s hatred for Superman. The bulk of the film shows the overdone and slowly growing hatred between the two protagonists and, of course, a workout montage. What action movie would be complete without a workout montage? The two face off, a battle which fizzles out with the help of Wayne’s flashbacks and Lois Lane’s arrival upon the scene at just the right moment. The two team up to fight the “real” Lex Luthor and clean up the mess he made.

Director Zack Snyder failed to produce anything more than an over-the-top beautiful, yet hollow, movie. The title characters are nothing if not miscalculated and stray far from comic lore—Batman is not in the least bit analytical, Superman lacks the joy, passion, and pathos that his name evokes, and Lex Luthor is more of a piece of garbage than usual.

Batman v Superman seems like it was made to simply set up the upcoming Justice League movie, which is set to be released in 2017. It introduces Flash, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, and Aquaman. Due to Marvel’s success with The Avengers franchise, DC’s hand is being forced.

By the way, there is no post-credit scene.

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