Why You’re Obsessed with Reality TV

Why You’re Obsessed with Reality TV

The Bachelor, Americas Next Top Model, The Real World, The Voice, and many more entertaining reality TV shows are becoming more and more popular by the minute. Why might people be into reality TV so much in comparison to other shows? Is it because of the amusing characters themselves or the horrifying thrill they present. “Everyone enjoys a good laugh, so why not watch that silly TV show your peers rave about?” (Odyssey) Reaching out…

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Grades Gotta Go

Grades Gotta Go

All around campus, there are reminders to fill out course evaluations. Course evaluations have gone digital! Get yours submitted soon so you can see your grades earlier! Tell me, does no one see this double standard? Students are evaluated by one letter! We get labeled with one letter to describe our performance in a class. That means that 140 hours spent working for and participating in a classroom are described by one letter. All of…

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On Administrative Response to Racism

On Administrative Response to Racism

Lake Forest College has recently had to confront various forms of racism and microaggressions that plague this campus. Most of us are aware of the racist and defensive statements made on social media (especially YikYak). Is this a surprise? No. This campus is an extension of the world at large, a world which is prejudiced at its core, making incidents of racism inevitable. The fact that our campus is racist seems paradoxical, considering our college’s…

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Entitlement and Race-Denial in #All Lives Matter

Entitlement and Race-Denial in #All Lives Matter

The #AllLivesMatter campaign is a naively generous, feelgood, and utterly misguided retort to the nationwide black liberation movement that uses the slogan #BlackLivesMatter. We argue that this defensive response is rooted in the normative lens of whiteness and the widespread nature of anti-black racism in this country. We will focus on the black community descendant of enslaved Africans within the United States, as they are the largest and most directly affected people domestically. Black Americans…

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When We Were Young…

When We Were Young…

Our generation is one that makes me shiver and cringe and one that makes me smile and applaud. Our entire lives we have been told, “We are the future,” but now what? The future is here and I have no idea what I am doing. We are growing older and a lot of my friends and I are about to enter our “roaring twenties” decade, where we live life to the fullest, make our best…

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Did I Pick the Right Major?

Did I Pick the Right Major?

Lake Forest College requires students to take many classes from different departments, but once a student decides what major he or she would like to pursue, he or she has to fulfill anywhere from eight to 14 class requirements to complete the major. After reflecting, thinking, and strategizing, I declared my major second semester of my first year. I am a sociology and anthropology and French double major. Altogether, I have eight class requirements for…

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