Technology, Good or Bad?

Technology, Good or Bad?

I believe that the increase of technology within schools is negatively affecting the quality of learning. Computers are taking over our classrooms, and the process is slowly jeopardizing our children’s futures. Most of us can agree that, in school, the purpose of technological implementation should be to improve teaching and student learning. Technology is evolving at an astounding rate, and it has revolutionized the way we get our news, how we order goods and services,…

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Lake Forest College’s Coalition Against Sexual Misconduct

Lake Forest College’s Coalition Against Sexual Misconduct

At the beginning of February, Lake Forest College’s Coalition Against Sexual Misconduct issued a campus-wide survey assessing the College’s climate regarding sexual misconduct. The survey has received much attention over the past two months, as the Health and Wellness Center, Dean Rob Flot, and Student Government Vice President Lily Collins sent out several emails encouraging students to participate in the survey.   Supported by Dean Flot, Dr. Jennifer Fast started the Coalition Against Sexual Misconduct…

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Students drink water from sinks, as lack of water fountains on south campus remains unsolved.

Students drink water from sinks, as lack of water fountains on south campus remains unsolved.

Students living in South Campus residences, with the exception of those living in Moore Hall, have been drinking water from sinks because water fountains have been missing from residence halls since their construction. Gregory, Roberts, McClure, and Nollen Hall, all located on South Campus, currently lack drinking fountains, but students do not regard this service absence as an issue. According to David Siebert, Facilities Management Director, “there have only been three concerns about not having…

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This is Why You Cannot Take Food Out of the Cafeteria

This is Why You Cannot Take Food Out of the Cafeteria

According to the Lake Forest College website, the average cost of annual tuition totals up to over $53,000, with more than $5,000 going toward meal plans per student each year. Since Lake Forest College students have already paid for dining costs, why are we stopped at the exit of the dining hall for taking out more than just a dessert and a beverage? Why are we required to throw away excess food instead of being…

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Men’s and Women’s Handball slap their way to LFC’s 50th national title

Men’s and Women’s Handball slap their way to LFC’s 50th national title

Before coming to Lake Forest College, if someone were to walk up to me and inform me that there was a national sport that involved slapping balls, I would probably have called them crazy. Little did I know that I had walked onto a campus that was famous for playing handball since 1968. Handball is likely the most misunderstood and least talked about sport on our campus. Yet, this year, 2016, marks the year that…

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All American Diver: Heath Ogawa and NCAA Nationals

All American Diver: Heath Ogawa and NCAA Nationals

Lake Forest College sees many athletes come through its doors, but only a few have made a name for themselves here. With their amazing players, Handball and Women’s Hockey teams are some notable examples. Now, though, we have a diver. Heath Ogawa ‘19 joined the diving team as soon as he got on campus with one goal in mind: make it to NCAA Nationals as a freshman. Only a week after spring break, Ogawa found…

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