Anti-War Activist Covers Up Ancient History

Sergio Bardesi-Texocotitla
A&E and Chive Editor
“I tried to pin up my Ukrainian poster in the library, but ugh!” Uke Rainey ’23 said. “There were so many ancient posters crowding the board!”
Rainey, known for pleading with Russian President Vladimir Putin (@vladdydaddy) on Instagram, currently struggles with their attempts to protest the invasion of Ukraine. They said that they, “tried schmoozing, pleading, reporting, blocking, cyber-stalking and memeing… only failure!”
Rainey decided to create an in-person presence on Lake Forest College’s campus. Yet, as mentioned earlier, the pin-up boards are crowded with history.
Rainey found a “Vote for Reagan” sticker, an anti-Vietnam War poster from the 1960s, an advertisement for the 1951 masterpiece “Superman and the Mole Men,” an article titled “How to Dodge the Great War’s Draft!” and a crumbling picture of the original College Hall!
This “historical” pin-up board exemplifies a common issue that plagues Lake Forest College. All across campus, old advertisements are left to rot on the boards. Current students are faced with the predicament of deciding which pieces can be forgotten and which to maintain.
Uke Rainey faced that decision, and they chose to cover up the “Vote for Reagan” sticker with a “Hey baby, let’s not fight😍❤️” slogan printed over the Ukrainian flag.