10 Easy Workouts to Do in Your Dorm Room

1) Sit ups. Obvious choice for an abdominal exercise that does not require equipment. Typically, shoot for 3 sets of 25+

2) Jumping Jacks. If you are looking for a cardio exercise in a limited space, here you go. Complete 50 and then take a 30 second break. Continue for 3-4 sets.

3) Running in place. If you want to mix things up, alternate between running in place and jumping jacks. Shoot for 1 minute all effort.

4) Wall Squats. A good strength exercise for the quads. Simply stand in a squatted position against the wall for a minute.

5) Leg Lifts. A great abdominal exercise. Lie on the floor and lift legs up and down without touching the floor. 3 sets of 20 is ideal.

6) Push Ups. Why not this classic exercise? Shoot for 4 sets of 20 reps.

7) Planks. Perfect exercise for working the whole body. Simply hold it for 30 seconds, then 45, and try to get up to a minute. You got this!

8) Yoga. Without getting too technical, simple poses such as downward and upward facing dog help elongate the body. Perfect when you wake up!

9) Lunges. Simply alternate between legs. 3 sets of 10.

10) Burpees. I know I know not fun for anyone. Shoot for 10 per minute for 3 sets.

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