Sanders Says So Long, But His Ideas Will Persist

Sanders Says So Long, But His Ideas Will Persist

Maryam Javed ’21  Opinions Editor Senator Bernie Sanders has dropped out of the 2020 presidential race, paving former Vice President Joe Biden’s path toward the Democratic nomination. In many ways, his exit is similar to his defeat in the 2016 presidential race. In both election cycles, Sanders faced difficulty rallying support from the Democratic establishment and moderates. Sanders also struggled to appeal to African-American voters, which is something that former Vice President Biden excelled…

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Will Sanders’ Progressive Movement Go the Way of the Tea Party?

Will Sanders’ Progressive Movement Go the Way of the Tea Party?

Nathaniel Bodnar ’21  Staff Writer   In 2009, the American Tea Party movement arose after the great recession. The movement was spawned as a response to the massive spending and corporate bailouts that occurred during the recession. One of the Tea Party’s primary concerns was the massive debt America had been accruing. The movement primaried some incumbent Republicans and brought in a new wave of Republican politicians. In addition, the movement had significant financing from…

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How COVID-19 Disrupted My Senior Year

How COVID-19 Disrupted My Senior Year

By Ellerese Topacio ’20 Managing Editor When the last semester of my college adventure started in January, I immediately flipped the hourglass, just waiting for the time to run out until I could finally walk at graduation and obtain the degree I’ve worked so hard for. Classes functioned normally as always, with the usual exams, essays, and high expectations. I had a plethora of scheduled opportunities to present my work this semester. From having…

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The Current Government is Ill-Equipped to Handle this Crisis

The Current Government is Ill-Equipped to Handle this Crisis

By Maryam Javed ’21  Opinions Editor  The 2020 presidential race continues amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Candidates Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar dropped out of the race before Super Tuesday. The results after Super Tuesday show former Vice President Joe Biden leading in the polls over Bernie Sanders. Biden and Sanders remain the two potential Democratic candidates for president. Mike Bloomberg and Elizabeth Warren also dropped out of the race following their poor performances on…

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Coronavirus and Capitalism 

Coronavirus and Capitalism 

By Josh Hager ’22  Staff Writer  The pandemic of COVID-19 is exposing the fragility of the system of capitalism. As the world plunges deeper into the pandemic situation, with the US being the country with the most cases, the capability for a proper response is limited in a system where the labor of the working class is necessary so that profits do not collapse. Stories are pouring in from across the country of mass…

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Thoughts on the Coronavirus Stimulus Bill 

Thoughts on the Coronavirus Stimulus Bill 

By Nathaniel Bodnar ’21  Staff Writer    The current Coronavirus Stimulus Bill highlights one of the biggest problems with our current democracy. Bills have no singular focus and, as a result, they often have many provisions that have little to do with each other. The economic impacts of coronavirus are very wide and, as a result, almost any industry can claim they have been affected. The end result is that the Coronavirus Stimulus Bill…

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