Student Government: Elected or Automatic Wins?

Student Government: Elected or Automatic Wins?

Student Government election results were announced in midSeptember, and to the surprise of some students, there were five vacant slots, meaning that there were not enough students interested in running to become an elected representative on behalf of their classmates and community. For the past few years, Student Government has suffered from this same issue in which the organization has had to find other ways to fill up positions in their senate, such as sending…

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ISIS: Understanding the Conflict and Eliminating Stereotypes

ISIS: Understanding the Conflict and Eliminating Stereotypes

Living in a very diverse and open-minded society here at Lake Forest College, we have a lot of misunderstandings, as well as curiosities, about the new phenomenon of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, previously known as Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) or Islamic State (IS). The conflict caused by this group has been devastating, as they have continued expanding and taking over large areas in Iraq and Syria, while killing many…

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Cameras Installed in Moore Hall to Prevent Vandalism

Cameras Installed in Moore Hall to Prevent Vandalism

Earlier this month, cameras were installed in Moore Hall in response to repeated vandalism in the dorm. “Since this was a brand new residence hall, vandalism that occurred was significantly more visible, such as exit signs and light fixtures knocked down from ceilings, urinals torn from the walls and smashed in the bathroom, furnishings damaged or broken, bulletin boards torn from the wall, personal door decor burned and scorching the doors, holes punched and kicked…

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Everything You Wanted to Know About the Lake Forest College Endowment Fund

Everything You Wanted to Know About the Lake Forest College Endowment Fund

The College has an $85 million endowment fund, which is an accumulation of donations and gifts from alumni, friends of the College, and residents of Lake Forest since the start of LFC in 1857. The endowment fund is essentially the “saving account for the College,” according to President Stephen Schutt. The Board of Trustees and an investing committee decide how to invest the money in order to make a return of about 6 to 7…

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Efficiency of 24/7 Computer Lab Workstations Debated

Efficiency of 24/7 Computer Lab Workstations Debated

Donnelley and Lee Library’s 24/7 computer lab stations give the College’s students free access to use a PC. Recently, there have been numerous complaints regarding how productive a student actually can be while using these computers. Adil Hussain ’16, a frequent user of these computers, said that while the computers are convenient, they are “way too slow” and “unreliable… and need to be upgraded.” A student took to Yik Yak to complain about the slow…

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Efforts for an Eco-friendly Campus: A Naturalized Prairie

Efforts for an Eco-friendly Campus: A Naturalized Prairie

For the past year, the Lake Forest College Campus Sustainability Committee, along with several of the school’s faculty members, has begun working on a new project for Middle Campus: a naturalized prairie. The goal of the project is to cultivate an area using a myriad of native plant species to show what the area’s natural, pre-settlement landscape looked like. James S. Kemper Foundation Professor of Liberal Arts and Business Jeffrey Sundberg is one of the…

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